Friday, June 6, 2008

Long awaited update!

Kyle left May 17th for Ft. Benning. He was originally supposed to be there until August but they are working six days a week so he gets to come home early!! Its hard on him because he never gets any time off and the school is very hard but he is, of course, making it look easy. He is so smart. As for me, I quit my job at the preschool and my last day is on Tuesday. The school can be fun and the kids can be cute but for the most part it is very hard work. I have never been so disrespected my whole life and to make it worse, its by five year olds. I'm very glad I did not become a teacher. I've sent my resume to a couple different places and now I'm playing the waiting game. Other than that, not much else is going on here. I'm looking forward to going home for the Fourth of July. It will be nice to see my family. I will even get to see one of Johana's softball games!

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