Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Long overdue update

Finally an update from us. I started my new job about 3 weeks ago. So far so good. It can be trying and tough but it is so much fun working with the kids and watching them learn and their excitement over everything. One of the best things about my job is that I get every major holiday off and I get six weeks off in the summer. I am going to Mobile for 4 days to see Kyle and his family and then I will be going up to Washington and the Oregon Coast for a family reunion. After I head up to Washington, my sister, Johana, will be coming down to stay a couple weeks with me. That is about all I have planned for the summer. Thankfully, most of my time will be filled up while Kyle is gone. We all know how staying busy makes the time go by faster. The other big news is that Kyle and I bought a Harley. Kyle is learning how to ride it right now and hopefully soon I'll get to go for a ride with him. I am so excited that we got one and I cant wait to get on the back of it. Other than that we are all do just fine.Kyle is good. Hes been busy with work and learning how to ride the motorcycle. Our apartment is decorated and finally feels like home. Jack is being Jack. He is VERY spoiled and acts it. He is actually a very good dog for not having any obedience training. I will post new pictures of all of us and our apartment soon (I promise Ashley!!)

1 comment:

Ash Malone said...

PICTURES, PICTURES....WE WANT PICTURES!!!! Missing you...would LOVE LOVE LOVE to see some photos of the new place, the hubby & you!! Hugs...P & A