Our computer broke down last week so I couldn't write a post about William's one month birthday so I'm writing it now a little late. I can't believe it's been a month already. What everyone says about time flying with a baby is very true! It might be because my day is on a 3 hour schedule but whatever the reason, I wish time would stop or at least slow down. William is still doing great. He has been nicknamed my sidekick because he goes everywhere with me and he travels so well. I put him in the car seat and away we go. He hardly ever fusses when we're out and if he does fuss, he quickly stops. He is still waking up at night but sometimes he'll sleep for 4 hours in between feedings. I love those nights! He is staying awake longer and is focusing on everything around him. He loves looking at the blinds, the
tv, and the design on our futon. Kyle and I are still finding parenting pretty easy (it helps when you have an easy baby). As of today, Kyle is off for 3 weeks! We don't really have any plans except to hang out with
each other and enjoy our little man. Mom made a slide show for William's one month birthday and once again I'm going to add a link to her blog because I'm lazy and don't want to do another one. Enjoy!